World Environmental Systems (WES) is a World Bank -accredited company. World Environmental Systems Limited was duly incorporated in Nigeria in the year 1991. The company has offices in Nigeria, USA and Dominican Republic.
Surveys have become a ‘way of life’ in deciding both private marketing strategy and political/government approach to implementing a fee, regulation and/or project.
The company is endowed with latest state-of-the-art technologies for Socioeconomic baseline survey, Environmental, Health, Household survey, Economics and engineering management and is committed and organized to being world class consulting company. Our operational spectrum includes Socioeconomic Baseline Data Collection/Survey, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Survey, Waste Management, Environmental Audit Report (EAR), Environmental Evaluation Report (EER), Aircraft Engine Emissions Monitoring, Impact Evaluation/Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, Household survey, Resource Recovery, Waste Engineering and Management, Environmental Management, Ecological surveys, Oil Spill Cleanup and Remediation Studies, Civil/Geological Project Management, Engineering and public involvement aspects of development projects.